360 Image And Video Viewer for EverWeb Widget
Saturday, November 19, 2022 2:54 PM
Do you want to add 360 images and video to your EverWeb website? We've created a widget for just that! Now you can add an unlimited number of 360 images and video to any EverWeb website.
Our 360 image and video viewer comes with a multitude of options to match the look of each image to your website design. You can customize colors, styles and even add a photo description.
The viewer will also allow your visitors to enter full screen mode and provides an auto rotate option so your images can come alive.
The 360 image and video viewer widget is great for showing off real estate, panaromic photos or anything else you have in mind.
How To Access The 360 Image & Video Widget
It is part of our premium widget collection which gives you access to over 70 EverWeb widgets. Once you subscribe you get access to all of our widgets and customer support for 1 year. Your purchased widgets never expire and can be used forever.