Flippable Gallery

A beautfiul image gallery that produces a flip effect as you mouse over each image. You can add a description and optional button to each image. The colors and fonts are

Drag your mouse over the images

Here we get a beautiful description of our images.

Click the button below to Sign Up and access this Widget

Sign Up

Customize the styles and fonts of your image description and even change the background color.

Click Me

On this image we don't have a button!


Flippable Gallery Widget

Add any number of images to your Flippable Image Widget Gallery. Then adjust settings such as the overlay text on the front of the image, the text that will appear when the image flips, the background color and whether you would like a clickable button.

The button appearance can be adjusted below.

Styles & Mouse Over Settings

Adjust the appearance of the flippable image gallery by adjust the image width & height, image spacing and scaling.

If you are using a button on the back of the image, you can adjust the styling of the button here to match your website.


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