image wrap

Wrap your text around an image.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit massa est, metus risus fusce consequat velit dapibus euismod viverra sociis, habitasse bibendum curae magnis etiam ornare taciti tempus. Leo facilisi massa ornare sodales ullamcorper consequat nascetur libero, eget velit dapibus ultricies et molestie vel inceptos, risus curae sociosqu lacus orci diam elementum. Mus fames tellus nostra vehicula tempor parturient metus aptent sed lectus, molestie sodales class ridiculus morbi ornare quam elementum sem.

Mus fames tellus nostra vehicula tempor parturient metus aptent sed lectus, molestie sodales class ridiculus morbi ornare quam elementum sem.


Image Wrap Widget

The base of the widget is simply text and image. Start with selecting your image and then adding styled text.

Text will automatically wrap around the image.

Once your image and content is added, you can customize the im settings and appearance below.


Here you may customize your widget. Here are image position settings, image size, padding, max width and background color.


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