Music Player Sampler

Music Player Sampler for EverWeb

Add a Music Player to your EverWeb web site with a customizable preview time so your visitors can sample your music before purchasing your songs.

You can preview the songs below for 30 seconds each

Track Name
Track Artist

Music from


Music Player Sampler for EverWeb Inspector

Music Player Sampler for EverWeb

Easily add a music player with your song samples to your EverWeb web site. With Music Player Sampler for EverWeb you create a play list of songs with a specified preview limit.

This means your visitors can preview your songs and then decide to buy them if they like them.

This powerful widget is completely customizable with styles and colors to match your web site design. Plus you can add a customizable message when your songs reach their preview limit.

Completely Customizable to Your Web Site Design

Completely customize the Music Player Sampler to your existing web site design. The entire look and feel and be changed from the Inspector, includings fonts and colors.

You can customize the style and design of the actual music player to match your taste. You can also customize the message and the message appearance after a song has been previewed by your visitor.

All options are customizable directly from the Widget Settings in the Inspector.

Music Player Sampler for EverWeb Inspector Styles


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