searchable product grid

Add a searchable product grid with pricing and links to your site. Great for websites selling a lot of products.

Red Apple

Red Apple

Red Apple

$50.00 USD
Yellow Pear

Yellow Pear

Yellow Pear

$50.00 USD
Pink Strawberry

Pink Strawberry

Pink Strawberry

$50.00 USD


Searchable Product Grid

Add any amount of items, ex products you sell, to your searchable grid. Add a text description and if you are selling them, add a price, name and item ID. Your item ID is just for tracking any won't be added to your site.

Then select an image and set a link for the item below.

Styles & Mouse Over Settings

Now you can adjust the appearance of your grid with spacing options, number of columns and more.

Adjust the individual grid item appearance below with fonts, alignment and border settings.

Finally add some enhanced mouse over effects to add a little flair to your site.



Pagination & Search

If you're going to have a lot of items, you might want to have several pages for them. You can enable and the automatic pagination feature which will separate your items onto different pages here.

Add search features as well so your visitors can quickly find any product you have in your grid widget.

PayPal Settings & Custom Pay Button

If you are selling anything you can enable the PayPal selling features here. Simply add your settings here and customize the Buy Now button.

Lots of options are available to match the buy now button to your website down including mouse over transitions.


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