slide out navigation

Create a "flyout" navigation menu that open from the left or right edge of the browser. Works great on mobile devices.

Simply click on the Widget icon on the top left corner of this page to see how it works.


Slide Out Navigation

List of Pages

Click on "Add" button to create new link to the page and double-click to name it.

Select Page

After you create a link in the list above, use this dropdown menu to select one of your existing pages. The link will now lead to your selected page.


This section allows you to customize the appearance of your Flyout menu and style of the fonts.

Navigation Flyout Settings

section allows you to control the width and sliding direction of your menu.




Add a custom logo to the widget to have a strong brand presence each time your visitors use the navigation menu.


section allows you to add a button to the navigation menu that will bring your visitors to any page of the website. This option provides various tools to customize the appearance of your button and save time while navigating to the most important place.

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