
Sort your content into tabs with our Tabs Widget.

  • Apples
  • A very healthy and tasty addition to your diet.

  • Pears
  • A very healthy and tasty addition to your diet.

  • Strawberries
  • A very healthy and tasty addition to your diet.



    Add as many tabs as you'd like here. Then select each individual tab and add your styled text an optional image. You can even add ALT image text which is used by search engines to find your images.

    Styles & Advanced Settings

    In the Styles section you can customize fonts and color of the tabs in different states. Specify the default tab button when your page is loaded and how the tab control behaves with different content in each tab.

    You can have the tab control auto adjust to the content within it as you select each tab, always be the required height based on the tab with the most content, or just stay at the height you have made it in EverWeb.
